Town of Canton issued the following announcement on Sept. 19.
The Town of Canton has received $253,125 from NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services – Division of Soil & Water Conservation for storm debris removal from Hominy Creek as part of the StreamFlow Rehabilitation Program (StRAP).
Six (6) sites have been selected for this funding per this Hominy Creek STRAP Locations Map.
Scope of Work
The Town is seeking statements of qualifications for the following professional engineering services for this contract: Bid Documents Preparation and Permitting Coordination, Bid Phase Services, Construction Phase Services and Grant Assistance Services.
Submittal Requirements
Inquiries may be made by emailing Nick Scheuer.
Please submit an electronic SOQ by September 12, 2022, at 2:00pm to Nick Scheuer. Proposals will remain confidential until contract is awarded; therefore, there will not be a public bid opening.
The Mayor and Board of Aldermen/women reserves the right to reject any and all proposals in whole or in part and to waive informalities as may be permitted by law.
Original source can be found here.